I was on my way home from work tonight and I saw a pickup truck with a male driving and a female in the middle and I couldn't see the third person on the passenger side. As we came up to a stoplight I noticed that there wasn't a third person in the truck. The girl was sitting in the middle of the truck with her man driving. I don't know why, but it struck me as so dang sweet! Who does that now a days? They weren't youngins; they looked to be about my age. I want to know their story. How long had they been together, what keeps that love flowing, what does their love mean to each other that they can't sit apart in the pickup truck?
I went to lunch today with two people who are in the very beginings of falling in love. It made me hope that I too will have that again some day and you better believe I will be sitting in the middle next to him!
LOL----My Dad drives a pick up truck and anyone who rides with him sits in the middle because (you are going to love this)---his dog sits by the window. So even when the dog is not with us the seat is so full of dog hair people sit in the middle.